Minggu, 07 Desember 2014

Pakar SEO Indonesia

Pakar SEO | Indonesia merupakan sebuah negara yang sedang berkembang, salah satu bidang ayng sedang berkmabng pesat adalah teknologi informasi. Efek dari perkembangan teknologi ini adalah berkembangnya Internet marketing yang merupakan bidang bisnis yang memanfaatkan internet sebagai tempat berpromosi dan juga bertransaksi.

Beberapa sahabat yang bertanya apa itu pakar seo? secara teknis saya tidak bisa menjawab pengertian dari Pakar SEO tetapi berdasarkan asumsi saya maka Pakar SEO itu berarti seseorang yang faham dan menguasai betul ilmu atau pengetahuan tentang SEO. ini artinya siorang tersebut memiliki level Pakar yang bisa atau mampu memecahkan permasalahan atau memberikan solusi seputar SEO.

Dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi seperti sekarang, anda bisa menemukan banyak Pakar SEO atau yang mengaku sebagai Pakar SEO di internet. kemampuan mereka biasanya mudah kita ukur berdasarkan dari reputasi dan refferensi yang kita dapatkan dari orang lain yang pernah menggunakan jasa mereka. Dengan begitu kita bisa mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat kepakaran mereka.

Pakar SEO biasanya identik dengan seseorang yang memberikan Jasa SEO atau Seorang Konsultan SEO Profesional, sehingga keberadaannya biasa dicari oleh orang lain yang membutuhkan jasa mereka. Klien-klien yang mencari mereka akan meminta Pakar SEO untuk mengoptimasi situs mereka agar mudah ditemukan oleh orang lain terutama para calon konsumen yang potensial sesuai dengan target kata kunci yang mereka inginkan.

Sebagai seorang konsultan SEO maka seorang Pakar SEO harus mampu memberikan solusi terbaik bagi kliennya dengan memberikan petunjuk atau strategi ayng tepat seputar promosi digital dan pembangunan website milik klien. Solusi ini mencakup kepada strategi Branding dan juga strategi mendatangkan pengunjung dan meningkatkan nilai slaes atau konversi.

Dimana anda bisa menemukan Pakar SEO yang tepat dan profesional, anda bisa dengan mudah mendapatkannya dengan mencari di Internet dan melakukan crosscheck dengan mencari lewat refferensi teman atau sahabat anda.

incoming search terms:
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  9. pakar seo
  10. jasa pembuatan website
  11. jasa web
  12. apa itu pakar seo
  13. private seo

Senin, 10 November 2014

Badut Sulap Karawang

Badut Karawang | Ada begitu banyak yang memberikan layanan jasa sewa badut di karawang dengan menawarkan banyak kelebihan dan harga yang murah, tetapi tahukan anda bahwa kita tidak bisa sembarangan memilih badut, terutama jika mereka akan kita biarkan berbaur bersama anak-anak kita. Lalu bagaimana kiat untuk memilih layanan badut karawang yang baik dan benar? berikut ini beberapa tips yang bisa kita ikuti.

1. Pilih Jasa Sewa Badut yang memiliki kostum yang bersih.

Ini adalah opsi pertama dan paling penting, terutama ketika kita memiliki anak-anak yang alergi debu atau alergi terhadap bahan-bahan pakaian tertentu. Layanan Jasa Sewa Badut Karawang yang baik akan selalu menjaga kebersihan kostum yang dimilikninya dan menghindarinya dari debu dan kotoran lain karena dapat dipastikan emreka akan banyak berbaur dengan anak-anak.

2. Pilih Jasa Sewa Badut yang memiliki banyak pilihan kostum

Jika anda menyewa badut dengan kostum yang monoton alias jadul dan atau kostumnya tidak menampilkan karakter yang ditokohkan dengan baik maka dapat dipastikan anak anda akan kecewa. kita pasti tahu bahwa anak sekarang lebih kritis dengan banyaknya media yang bisa mereka tonton, sehingga misalkan seorang anak laki-laki akan senang dengan badut naruto atau tokoh kartun modern lainnya. jadi jika yang anda hadirkan adalah badut dengan kostum jadul dapat dipastikan akan membuat suasana boring. Silahkan pilih jasa sewa badut karawang yang memiliki banyak pilihan kostum.

3. Pilih jasa sewa badut yang memiliki banyak keterampilan

Badut yang baik tidak hanya pandai memeriahkan suasana, terkadang mereka bisa juga menjadi pembawa acara bahkan emmberikan beberapa trik sulap untuk lebih memriahkan acara pesta. jadi pilihlah jasa sewa badut karawang yang memberikan kelebihan ini.

4. Pilih jasa sewa badut dengan ahrga yang sesuai

Anda harus pintar memilih jasa sewa badut yang sesuai dengan budget anda atau yang memang benar-benar sesuai dengan harga yang mereka tawarkan jangan sampai anda membayar terlalu mahal untuk layanan / paket yang baisa-biasa saja, perhatikan terlebih dahulu paket apa saja yang mereka tawarkan dan check kembali poin-poin diatas.

badut karawang, sewa badut karawang, badut sulap karawang

5. Dimana anda bisa mendapatkan jasa sewa badut yang sesuai dengan kriteria diatas?

Anda bisa menghubungi Dhaya Badut Karawang yang bermarkas di Toko Sulap Black Magic Shop dan berlokasi di Mall Ramayana. Toko ini memberikan banyak layanan seputar hiburan sulap dan sewa badut. Toko Sulap Black Magic Shop berdomisili di karawang dan melayani seluruh jabotabek dan wilayah jawa barat, tempat ini di kelola oleh sekelompok anak muda yang kreatif dan siap membantu anda dalam menyiapkan & mengisi acara hiburan seperti ulang tahun anak dan lain-lain. konsep mereka adalah mengedepankan keprofesionalan dan selalu mencoba memenuhi kebutuhan anda serta menjadikan pesta anda menjadi moment yang tidak terlupakan, kepuasan anda adalah tujuan utama mereka.

Untuk menghubungi Dhaya Badut Karawang bisa melalui nomor dibawah : 

Badut Kak Dhaya :
085 747 900 889 atau 081 297 412 778 
Pin BB 223BBEA6

Pencarian terkait dengan Badut Karawang :
  1. badut ultah karawang
  2. badut di karawang
  3. sewa badut karawang
  4. badut sulap karawang
  5. badut ulang tahun karawang
  6. badut ultah di karawang
  7. badut sulap di karawang
  8. sewa badut di karawang
  9. sewa badut daerah karawang
  10. badut ulang tahun di karawang
  11. sewa badut murah karawang
  12. sewa badut ulang tahun di karawang

Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

7 Free Search Engine Optimization and Writing Tools

Jasa Konsultan SEO Indonesia | Traffic. Everyone wants free traffic, and what better way to get it than optimizing your site? There are some very simple things that you can do to optimize your site. If you want to get more from your website, then implement these strategies, use these tools, and make your website spider food for the search engines. Below are some of the best sites I have found for optimizing my sites.

1. Check your site.
Before you start tweaking your site, you need to make sure that it's either in Google or not banned by Google. The truth is, you want to optimize your site for Google, which is now the number one search engine in the world. It won't do you any good to optimize your site if Google won't accept it. Use this tool to check your site. Google Banned - http://www.googlebanned.com

2. Toolkits
If you can find the tools you need in a collection, this will save you a lot of time, as well as frustration because you will know exactly what you need to do to properly optimize your site. You'll want to check different aspects of your site like page rank, metatag information, and links. [Konsultan SEO Inodnesia | Private SEO] Nothing will drive your potential customers away faster than broken links. This site, in addition to offering a forum on search engine optimization, also offers a nice collection of tools for helping you optimize your site.  SEO Chat - http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools

jasa konsultan seo | Private seo

These two sites also offer search engine optimization tools. It's really a matter of preference, as well as what tools you need to optimize your site.

Add Me - http://www.addme.com
Evrsoft - http://www.evrsoft.com

3. SEO Software
You can also use software to help you optimize your site. Where software will help you the most is to actually help you optimize your site for the keywords you are trying to target. It's a waste of time to optimize your site if you haven't optimized for the right keywords.

This is the software I use, and it's free. It works for both MAC and PC, and it has some of the best documentation I've ever seen on search engine optimization because it's written for the average person. It also includes a basic search engine optimization training course, a 50 page manual, and excellent, step by step directions for preparing your website for the search engines.

Web CEO - http://www.webceo.com

4. ROR Generator/Robots Text Generator
A what?

ROR is similar to a robots.txt file in that it gives information about your site. The difference is that an ROR file is in XML format. You can use this generator to create an ROR file for your site, and then paste a button to the main page of your website. When the search engines spider your site, they'll spider this file and have a better description of what your site is about. I would also recommend that you create a robots.txt file because this will tell the search engines what not to spider on your site. If you own a members' area, or you sell anything, you don't want the search engines spidering your download pages. [Konsultan SEO Terbaik]

ROR Generator - http://www.rorweb.com/rorgenerator.php

Robots Text Generator - http://www.searchenginepromotionhelp.com/m/robots-text-creator/simple-robots-creator.php

5. Site Map
A site map is not only a great tool for letting your customers know where everything is located on your site, it can also help you with the search engines. By creating a site map, you will have an index of all the pages on your website. When the search engines spider your site, they'll find all of the pages. This will help you with your rankings.

Creating a site map, especially if you have hundreds, or even thousands of pages on your site, can be very time consuming. This generator will speed up the process. Spider Map Creator - http://www.searchenginepromotionhelp.com/m/spider-map/creator.php

6. XML Site Generator
Google is now offering webmasters a chance to submit an XML site map.  An XML sitemap is a search engine friendly sitemap of your site. This isn't written for your visitors though. It's written for the search engines so that they can find all of the pages on your website.

Even if you include a sitemap on your site for your visitors, I would still recommend that you use an XML sitemap. This can speed the process of getting your site indexed by Google. This is an easy way to make sure that all of your pages get indexed.

Creating a sitemap is easy. You can use the generator listed below. Once you've created your sitemap, submit it to Google. 
XML Site Maps - http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/index.php 
Submit your sitemap to Google - https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/login

7. Linking
There's been a lot of talk about linking because linking is one of the most important strategies for getting high ranking in the search engines.

The more links you have pointing back to your site, the higher the page rank you will get, as well as creating a way for others to find you. You can use this strategy to get referrals from other sites, which is free traffic. It's targeted, and you are being recommended by another site.

Before building your linking strategy though, you should check your popularity. See who you are linked to first.

Link Popularity Checker - http://www.marketleap.com/siteindex/default.htm

Once you have checked your link popularity, begin by building links back to your site. Below are two sites that offer directories you can submit your site to.

Directory Manager - http://www.123promotion.co.uk/directorymanager/

Free directories that don't require a link back - http://www.directoriezsubmission.com/free-web-directories.htm

Linking can drive a lot of traffic to your site. The more backlinks you have pointing back to your site, the more popular it will be. You'll also get a lot more traffic.

Before you start to market, complete your site. Optimize it for the search engines, and use these tools to help you get higher rankings.

6 More Tips For Raising Your Search Engine Rankings

Konsultan SEO | Whether your site is profitable or not with PPC advertising, search engine rankings are an important factor to consider in improving profitability. The higher you are on a variety of search engines, the better off your profitability.

1. Site Navigation

The navigation menu that appears on your website should include your page’s titles if possible. Also, your sites navigation should be consistent and on every page so that not only people may easily navigate your site, but search engine spiders as well.

2. Choose Less Popular Keywords

Don’t just use the most popular keyword phrases – the market is so competitive that you should be sure to include some special keywords relative to your website. This is especially true if you are just starting to market your site on the web.[Jasa Konsultan SEO | Private SEO].

jasa konsultan seo | private seo

3. Choose Related Links

Make sure that you don’t have a lot of irrelevant links on your site. The more closely the links on your site are related to your site, the better the chances of being ranked well in search engines.

4. Update Your Content

You need to periodically update the content of your website, even if it’s only a slight change. Search engine spiders give better rankings to sites that update content often.

5. Don't Oversubmit

You need to consider the fact that many search engines don’t like automatic submissions or multiple submissions. Therefore, submit only once and don't use a whole slew of submitting software. [Konsultan SEO terbaik di Indonesia]

6. Subscribe To and Read Search Engine Relevant News.

Always be on a look out for SEO news – staying up to date and using the latest techniques will help you stay one step ahead of your competitors.

When it comes to massive profitability, high search engine rankings can’t be beat. Keep on top of the game and you will be happy you did.

5 Tips to Ranking Well at Search Engines

Konsultan SEO Indonesia | Do you have a product or service that you want to sell on the Internet?  If so, there are a few fundamental components that you must know.  Putting your product or service up for sale is easy.  You can find a cheap hosting plan and get a 1-5 page site up within a few hours.  But what happens next?

Unfortunately, most businesses will never sell their product successfully on the Internet.  Their sites may be flashy, but they are not receiving visitors.  To receive an endless supply of free, targeted, leads from the search engines you should consider a few of the 5 tips below.

Tip #1- Provide High Quality Content

Providing content does more than give out generic information.  Providing content builds trust between you and your visitor.  The more content you give, the bigger the bond.  Your content should focus around very specific keywords.  Each page on your website should be optimized and focused on one keyword.

Finding keywords is a task in and of itself.  I will be the first to admit that hunting down keywords with a high demand and low supply is not the easiest task in the world.  It can be boring and repetitive.  After awhile the numbers will blend together and you will feel a bit dazed.  But do not stop now!  Keywords are the foundation for your content pages and for your business.[Jasa Konsultan SEO | Private SEO]

Tip #2- Find Relevant Linking Partners

The days of trading links with any old site are gone.  There was a period in time when search engines counted how many links in you had to your site.  They factored that and determined if your site was good or not.  So if your site had 300 other sites linking to it, search engines would have probably considered it a better site than one with only 10 incoming links.

Search engines have wised up since those days.  Now search engines place more emphasis on relevant links.  Your site should only link to other sites that are high quality and relevant.  If your site is about cookies then you should not be linking to a site about gambling.  It doesn't make sense for your site visitors, and it doesn't make sense to the search engines.[Konsultan SEO Terbaik di Indonesia]

When you trade links with a relevant, high quality site be sure you specify where your link should be placed, for how long, and what it should say.  I often see people exchange links and within a few days the linking partner has taken down the link.  Only do business with trusted webmasters.

Tip #3- Submit Your Site to Site Directories

This is a great way to get high quality and high ranked sites to link to you.  Think of a link to your site as a vote of confidence.  Site directories are less popular than search engines, but their link to you helps you increase in search engine rankings.  Be wary of any site directory that makes you pay for submission.  There are plenty of great directories that allow you to submit your site for free.

Getting as specific as possible with site directories is a great idea.  If your site is about cookies, you should try to find a site directory that only deals with desserts or foods.  General directories are fine, but be sure you submit your site to the appropriate category.  General directories tend to have a category for almost any topic.[Private SEO Online Terbaik Di Indonesia].

konsultan seo | Private seo

Some site directories will ask you to link to them first.  This is your choice.  I do not link or pay to get into any site directory.  There are too many free ones that do not require a link back.  Remember to place only relevant links on your site.  Would your cookie site visitors want to click on a link for a site directory?

Tip #4- Add a Site Map

A site map is a single webpage that contains links to all the other pages on your site.  Adding a map will help your visitors find information quickly.  Besides being a helpful tool for visitors a site map also helps search engines find pages.  When a search engine spider visits your site it crawls through a page.  It visits all the links on your page and it checks for keywords.  This is why keywords and relevant linking partners are recommended above.

Once the search engine spider finds the site map it will find all of your other pages.  Search engine spiders do not like to dig very deep into sites.  They like to search through 2 or 3 'levels' of information.  So pages that are hard to find will not rank well or they will take much longer to rank well.  A site map helps the engines find all your pages at once.[Jasa Konsultan SEO]

Tip #5- Be Patient and Find Other Means of Traffic

Waiting for the search engines to scour your site and rank it could take a bit of time.  I recommend a lot of patience.  When I post a new content page on my website, it takes a few weeks to get noticed.  Some search engines are fast and rank the page immediately.  Others are a bit slower.

While you wait for your pages to rank well I recommend finding alternative ways to drive traffic to your site. You can look into PPC (pay-per-click advertising), article writing, off-line ads, buying ad space in newsletters, doing a joint venture with a fellow webmaster or post in relevant forums.

These 5 tips to ranking well at the search engines are tried and true methods.  I have built a site using these 5 tips and can personally attest to their sheer power.  Patience is the hardest part.  Keep building relevant content, link to relevant partners, submit to site directories, add a site map and then keep going.

Persistence pays off.  Building a web business takes time.  Your business needs to develop and mature. Using some or all of the above tips can ensure a big payoff down the road.